Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Success Formula - The Elements - Part 2

I mentioned previously that The Success Formula has different elements. I believe that I was inspired to come up with each different element. So here's the first secret to The Success Formula:

Just like Steven Covey's book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, The Success Formula I am exploring has seven elements. There is not just one thing that will cause success in your life. Instead, it is a combination of things that cause people to be successful. Though I think I've always believed that there was just this one thing that causes success. I also thought that only certain people had that "one thing" and that I didn't have the one thing. I also thought that this one thing was immutable, meaning you are born with it. Thus, you either have that one thing or you don't.

What I learned is that those beliefs are false: there is not this one element that causes success. Certain people do do and have certain elements that cause them to be successful but it's not just one element. It's a combination of elements just as 1 + 1 = 2. I also discovered that I learned the individual elements that cause success. Yes, I learned them. Because I learned what those elements were, those elements were not immutable. Those things could instead be instilled, taught, learned, and will eventually be inherent with practice.

I think that these seven elements, when combined, will cause success and prosperity. Now just as 1 + 1 = 2, I believe The Success Formula will cause success in my life. I'm really looking forward to implementing this formula in my life and seeing its results. I hope you are too.

Thedy B

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